Wednesday, June 9, 2010

John Maynard Keynes*

1. John Maynard Keynes was a British economist and he was big on doing the opposite of what most economists believed should happen. His father was an economist and he also went to very elite schools in Britain. He gained connections from where he attended school and after he had later joined the forces for a few years he had a great start into the field of economics. His ideas were different than most others and he viewed how things should be run very differently. 2. John Maynard Keynes believed this about government.When the unemployment rate begins to rise, Keynes believed the government should begin to run a surplus and pay off the debt of the previous downturn. He also like i said earlier believed in a different type of economics. 3. I disagree with him because even though the people in later generations will not have to pay for the debt in a way they will still be paying for those mistakes. There parents will grow up in poverty and less of what they could have and when they are raised they will miss the opportunities to grow in a healthy environment. Behavior that is learned from one generation is passed down to the next through the way they were raised and the way they raise their children. So really he may think he is getting rid of debt and problems but this just will make the people poor causing a chain link effect throughout generations that is harming. In our economy today we are going through some of the same things. Our economy just took a big fall worldwide. Many countries, even super powers are finding themselves in a lot of debt. We could do what Keynes would do and get rid of the debt or we can deal with it now.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. I agree with this sentence. Soccer is the sport i enjoy the most. It is so fun to play i just started playing 3 years ago and i love it so much because it is fun and non stressful. It also is challenging and a complex sport that requires a lot of skill and even once you have learned the basics and fundamentals you are still getting better and better each day that you are practicing. I am so excited for the world cup it is going to be awesome! i am cheering for England! GO ENGLAND GO! haha but really soccer is a wonderful sport that is loved worldwide<3

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Standard of living*

Standard of living is only one aspect of quality of life. It is a common measure of the quantity and quality of goods and services. Standard of living consists of a few things. The resources that are available to you and what is provided for you. It also depends on how hard you work and the kinds of jobs that are available to you.

Standard of living and Quality of life are often mistaken for the same thing. And this is proven in many peoples terminology. Before even writing this I even said to myself, "What is the difference? Quality of life includes more than just property material and other resources. It is peoples desire to improve the way they live. Some of the things included in this are a clean environment, personal safety, political rights, and the ablity to have your rights met.

For example every person has a right to certain things, this would be their quality of life. Their standard of living would be the quality of the goods they receive or gain. Globalization in some people’s opinion has improved the standards of living and quality of life. Others argue that it is having ill affects on their quality of life and standard of living.

A huge example of the different affects of globalization due to this is Asia and Africa. Asia and Africa. At one point a while ago they were the same in poverty percentage. Asia now has passed Africa and gotten out of poverty because they embraced globalization and by doing so improved their standard of living as a country.

Africa is still now suffering because economically they have stayed still these past years and not embraced what could have improved their standard of living and quality of life dramatically. It is a big change between two countries that were in the beginning in the same boat.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Knowledge Economy

What is a knowledge economy ? A knowledge Economy is when knowledge is used to promote economic benefits. This helps the economy improve and develop through global competition. It is mostly through global technologies such as computer software, telecommunications and virtual services.

Also educational research institutions are a large part of this competition. Canada is having trouble finding their identity in all of this. We need to find occupations where we can compete and win.

We need to step up to that next level of global competition or we will be left behind and forced to buy from the people who have made global competition a part of there economy. We want to make this an opportunity for the people in Canada instead of a threat.

It's like the world has jumped onto a merry-go-round and we have to choose to jump on while it's still moving, cause it's not going to stop or we can just stand and watch and not benefit from what is available to us.

It really is a hard predicament because in order to become a larger part of the knowledge economy, Canada is going to have bad affects for short term at first but in the end it will be worth it in the long term. It is a tough decision. Let 2.4 million people lose their jobs right now so that in the long run we will have more influence on a global level.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Zapatista people live in Chiapas and are very poor. Every year dozens of people pay money to travel to give aid to these people by helping with their crops. To describe the Zapatista people some might say that they have been left behind in globalization. Most of the people that are travelling down there are part of anti-globalization groups. Chiapas is a state in the southeastern region of Mexico. There are 4 million people who live there.

Many of the people are descendents of the Mayan people who were indigenous to South America. A sad statistic of the people there is that 40 percent of the population suffers from malnutrition. The reason they are so poor is because of the Spanish conquest 500 years previous. They were forced to grow their subsistence crops. The food that was taken from these crops was not a sufficient amount to almost just feed their families.

For centuries these people have been living in poverty, it has been ignored by a lot of people in the world, including the government. I was unaware of the situation with the Zapatistas until reading and researching about their situation. I think that people may be ignoring their need for help but a lot of people I think are uninformed, like I was an hour ago.

The people or the government there cannot ignore that saddening statistics of the poverty down anymore. Things that are helping the situation are the free trade agreement between them and the United States.

The European Union*

The European Union is an organization of countries. It also is the largest most powerful common market. It has a huge population of almost 457 000 000. Some of the things that the European union is working to develop are security policies, citizen rights and regional development, also environmental protection.

Some of the advantages of the European Union are increased trade, the amount of subsidies to the east. Their are also no restrictions onthe movement of people, capital goods and services across national borders. Since the European Union is a common market. A common market is the strongest form of regional integration. Regional integration is a process in which states enter into a regional agreement in order to enhance regional cooperation through regional institutions and rules.

Some disadvantages of the European Union are: Changes in the economy will form new economic patterns and many industries will not be able to compete with lower costs.With free movement of labour and capital, the most skilled workers may get higher benifets and wage weakening the other people in the economy. There can also be a loss of independence in many areas.

An example of the disadvantage that is happening right now is the excess debt in Greece. Greece is part of the European Union and since they are in debt they do not just suffer their country but the whole union.

I do not think that Canada and the United states and Mexico should form a union. Especially at this time. The American economy is still recoverying and is still in a lot of debt. Mexico may have many resorts but it also has many poor communities. We are better off independent for the most part.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The World Bank.

The purpose and function of the World Bank and the International monetary fund is to provide financial assistance to less developed countries to reduce poverty and improve living standards. Financial assistance is provided, such as loans, low interest or grants. The money is usually used for things that are needed in these countries. Such as, health systems, education and sometimes infrastructure.

The World Bank is actually divided into two institutions. The first one is the International Rank for Reconstruction and Development also know as IBRD. The second one is The International Development Association also know as the IDA. The purposes for these associations are different. The IDA is there to help the world’s poorest countries. The IBRD is there to help low and middle income countries.

I think that they have accomplished a lot as a government. I would not call them just a more expensive government. They are doing some amazing things for these people that so desperately need help. They have in the past 20 years: Made the proportion of people living in poverty in less developed countries fall by half, form 40% to 21%.
Also the life expectancy in less developed countries has increased by 20 years. The number of children dying before the age of five has been reduced by 50%. Adult illiteracy has been halved to 25%.

The World Bank also has many great ways to help less developed countries get out of debt. I like they way that this bank solves problems. They do not just give the solution to the people and fix everything. They find ways to help the people earn their way into and out of things. For example they do not just take all their debt away. They are there to help these people learn new techniques that will make them more efficient as a country. This includes cutting government spending, selling public assets to the private sector, and following the principles of free market capitalism. Then debt relief is put into place if they have proven to do the above things.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

I think that the most significant aspects of this conflict in regards to the oka crisis are many things. The first great aspect of this was that their is very poor communication. Communication is key in keeping peace and solving issues. How i know that communication is poor due to this situation is because the land claim is still unsolved after all this time.

The mohawk people
are like many First Nation people. Trying to keep the land that was rightfully theirs. The government however is not looking at helping the first nations people suceed but only to themselves. They did not even consult first nations when they were going to build a golf course on their lands.

The value of the land is the next big player in this conflict. The whole conflict is about expanding a golf course on the Mohawk Land. If the land had no value there would be no conflict. Just like the Lubicon Nation oil value. The government would have set the land claim if the land a little value to them for profit and gain.

The next large factor in this conflict in my opinion would have to be, the blocades and other barriers that were formed to keep people out of their land. The "innocently" "harmless" barriers may seem that way but they caused deaths and fighting. An officer was even killed because of this. If they had used their mouths instead of weapons and blockades the conflict would not have gotten to that level of physical violence.

Overall i think that this conflict could be minimized if and only if, the government and first nations people spoke rather than fight, inform rather than go ahead with plans without the others consent. If they could learn to communicate by speaking and LISTENING to one another this conflict would be solved by now, and those key factors to this conflict would be diminished.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Whales are the most precious animal ever created by God. They are so precious and putting them in captivity would ruin their lives. They deserve large oceans to swim and mate in. Putting them in captivity would not allow them to eat what they need. Whales enjoy eating fish, sea lions, seals, walruses and seabirds the aquarium cannot offer these to the whales. How would you like it if you never got to eat your favorite food and had to live off of tofu. That is what the whales are living like they just want a big large steak but instead they're getting tofu. What if you couldn't live a normal life just like these whales how would you feel?

Monday, April 19, 2010

In Canada there were many affects from the imperialism that took place in Canada on the aboriginal peoples. In Australia there were also many indigenous peoples that were affected by imperialism.

The reason imperialism even started in Australia is because the British would take their prisoners to Australia to be held captive. It would be very hard to escape back to Britain if you were in Austrailia. Especially in those days. They had many similar effects on the Australian and Canadian indigenous peoples.

To be taken from your home and sent away to have assimilations thrust at you was harsh and even harsher to these indigenous children especially because of their age. The children in Canada that were the first nations people also had this happen to them

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The British influence on Canada and India were largely different because of one major thing. Or should I say person. Mahatma Gandhi was the reason that India is not colonized today. They were able to keep their language and cultures because one man took a stand and said it wasn't right to change his people.

In the words of Gandhi I quote,” We hold the civilization that you (British colonists) support to be the reverse of civilization. We consider our civilization to be far superior to yours. If you realize this truth, it will be to you advantage and if you do not, according to your own proverb (when in Rome do as the Romans do'), you should only live in our country in the same manner as we do.... We consider your schools and courts to be useless. We want our own ancient schools and courts to be restored. The common language of India is not English but Hindi. You should, therefore, learn it. We can hold communication with our only in our national language.

The European imperialists came in their with force and wanted power over the Indian people of India. They did exercise control over a lot of the land and people of India. The Europeans also did this to the Natives of Canada. The difference was in India they did not put up with it for long. One man took a stand to justice and this saved his people and their long-lived culture that still lives on today.

The native indigenous tribes of Canada were against the assimilation and control over them and their land, but they could not uniformly organize an opposition towards the Europeans. Their culture was just as unique as the Indian culture in India and precious. However it has not been preserved as well as theirs have. The Native culture around me today is still there but not as vivid. Most do not live in tepees all year round and dress in their native clothing unless it is for special occasions and other times.

When you compare the effects and influence over these two countries with cultures different than European you can see similarities in how things went down, but today the nations and people are living very different due to their stand for justice before.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The dictionary states that a union is an organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests. Having unions in work and government benefits us and works against us.

The advantages of unions in work include the strength to negotiate a legally binding contract with your employer including better wages, affordable health care, a secure retirement and a safer workplace. Union workers compared to nonunion workers have way better wages of about 27% higher.

Union workers save a lot of money on healthcare because they only have to pay about 43% of the charge unlike nonunion workers who pay the whole amount. The pensions of union workers is 72% and they have a guaranteed retirement. The more union's there are the better everyone is, today there is a battle against the unions where we are all fighting for our jobs, communities, and families.]\

The disadvantages of the unions today are that they are inflexible. When struggle happens in a business they feel they need to save money by lowering the workers salary, but in a union change cannot be made. Another disadvantage is that members can be fines or disciplined by their union for engaging in activities, that are unbecoming of the union member or which violate the union's constitution and by-laws.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

20 most basic facts that i think that people should know about Euro-centrism.
-The word came to be in the 20Th Century
-The meaning referred to viewing the world from a European perspective.
-Euro centrism is a belief by individuals seeking power.
-They think that the European world view is superior to all others.
-A large part of the reason of Euro-centrism is Europe's Mercantilism.
-The mercantilism made them superior in a way because it helped them accumulate wealth.
-Euro centrism is based on a yearning for national prestige.
-By being superior they hoped others would follow what they did and change to be like them.
-By trading Europe could increase it's wealth, which in turn increased its prestige. Creating Euro centrism.
-In order to maintain superiority and maintain euro centrism the Europeans did not all colonist to industrialize. This would make them competitors.
-With them being superior the indigenous people adapted to their ways of life.
-Part of their Euro centrism was they believed that their languages were superior
-Another part was that they believed their customs were Superior
- They also believed that their attitudes were superior to others.
-The reason they believed they were superior was because they wanted power.
-Many people felt inferior due to euro centrism.
-The fur trade connected native peoples with the "mother" country Europe.
-Euro centrism is based on a large majority of opinions based in a small area.
-Euro centrism made a divide between first nations people. Some tribes joined with Europe, where as others joined in trading to Quebec (New France).
-Euro centrism is just an idea and opinion. It still exists today but does not carry as great of importance.
20 most basic facts that i think that people should know about Euro-centrism.
-The word came to be in the 20th Century
-The meaning referred to viewing the world from a European perspective.
-Euro centrism is a belief by individuals seeking power.
-They think that the European world view is superior to all others.
-A large part of the reason of Euro-centrism is Europe's Mercantilism.
-The mercantilism made them superior in a way because it helped them accumulate wealth.
-Euro centrism is based on a yearning for national prestige.
-By being superior they hoped others would follow what they did and change to be like them.
-By trading Europe could increase it's wealth, which in turn increased its prestige. Creating Eurocentrism.
-In order to maintain superiority and maintain euro centrism the Europeans did not all colonist to industrialize. This would make them competitors.
-With them being superior the indigenous people adapted to their ways of life.
-Part of their Eurocentrism was they believed that their langauges were superior
-Another part was that they believed their customs were supererior
- They also believed that their attitudes were superior to others.
-The reason they believed they were superior was because they wanted power.
-Many people felt inferior due to eurocentrism.
-The fur trade connected native peoples with the "mother" country Europe.
-Eurocentrism is based on a large majority of opinions based in a small area.
-Eurocentrism made a divide between first nations people. Some tribes joined with Europe, where as others joined in trading to Quebec (New France).
-Eurocentrism is just an idea and opinion. It still exists today but

Monday, March 29, 2010

I think that Capitalism is great form of economy. It has many advantages that benefit all types of people. Unlike other forms of economy such as communism. The people have the opportunities to better themselves and to move up in their social status.

Capitalism lets the people take control of their lives and their situations. Making them have independence and competition among themselves their families and among all other people.

The Government does help run countries in this economy to keep order. But the people are the ones that develop what business there are and what the prices of products are. They are determined through the competition that is provided from this type of economy. Some people may see flaws in Capitalism but there are always going to be flaws in economies and the flaws in Communism are ten times more.

When Communism was being practiced in Germany and surrounding areas that had been taken over by Stalin, the economy started to fail and they for a time had to let the people make their own small way of making money. Such as selling wood or milk. They had to deviate to Capitalism to keep their communist economy going.

Capitalism is a great way for the people to take charge of their own lives and experience competition and freedom to do what they want. I think that these benefits of Capitilism definitely outweigh other forms of economy. For the reasons listed above.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Britain and Egypt played a huge role in what Sudan has become and some of the issues it has are because of these two countries. Britain ruled Sudan beginning in 1881. 1899 was when Britain and Egypt decided to rule Sudan together. Sudan is made up of two parts Northern and Southern Sudan. The Arabs populated Northern Sudan and Southern Sudan was mostly populated with the African people.

Britain and Egypt put a closed door policy between South and North Sudan. In 1956 Sudan gained back ther independence from Britain and Egypt. This definitely did not mean that they were freed from all their problems and issues that they had had prior. Britain and Egypt agreed to abandon the closed door policy. So the two parts of Sudan were finally reunited.

The Arab people were put into rule and they tried to make the Africans join the Islam culture and religion. The African people that did not choose to agree with this new religion that was not their own were part of the cause of the civil war. The Civil War led to displacement and depopulation of the African people of the south.
The Cival war cause much pain and strife on the Sudanese people and it still is today.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Silk Road had a great impact on medieval society. I cause other countries to share what they offered with one another and by doing this they were able to spurr international trade. The interchange of raw materials and manufactured goods among distant groups of people. This was a major turning point in the world. In medieval society people only had products that were made in their country.

With the silk road it brought to the this society a whole new idea. Trading and sharing the things of your country and taking what other countries offer and have. This made trading expand from one area to a large route.

The silk road was a huge, it would help to think of it as a communication highway of the ancient world. Some of the things that were shared on this Road were: Knowledge, inventions, religious beliefts, artistic styles, langauges, and social customs as well as goods.

The next major change in society was mercantilism. Mercantilism is an economic system where the government sponsors international business designed to make European monarchs rich. The Queens and Kings were starting to embrace the culture and ideas of new things. When the people you look up to start wearing new things you are going to want to wear them as well. So when fur was being traded in France people started wanting fur for themselves.

Overall I think that ....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What is Potlach? Potlach is a culture of indigenous peoples of the Pacific Coast. They have lived there thousands of years before Europeans arrived. The West Coast Natives practiced Potlach. Some of these tribes are Tlingit, HiS, Gwaii, Tsimshian,Kwakwaka'wakw, Nuxalk,Nuu-chah-nulth and teh nations that make up the Coast Salish. Potlach Ceremonies are held for different reasons depending on the group of first nations people.Even though the ceremonies vary among the different tribes, there are many traditions that were common in all of them. The Hereditary Chiefs would invite people to the ceremony.

At Potlaches some of the things that were included were speeches, singing, dancing, feasting, and witnessing of formal business. The Potlach ceremonies were held outdoors or in big houses. This was because they were attended by many people. They would share the things in their household with their guests. They would share their food and clothing, their dishes etc. By sharing their possessions this showed that the hosts wealth and generosity. To gain back their wealth they would attend other Potlaches that were hosted by other hereditary chiefs.

They would have Potlaches at special occasions. It was like a big birthday party. Well not really but at births and weddings Potlaches would be held. Different tribes would invite different tribes tot he Potlaches. This provided unity and love among the people. Since the first Nations did not generally write down their history, stories were told during the Potlaches. By doing this strong political alliances were formed in these nations.

There are some similarities between the Potlach and our Society. When we have weddings people gather around and we share our food with them. We tell stories and share our history. We also gain good relationships between two different families. All the people that come usually bring gifts and money to show their love and to help start off a good future. This is pretty much what a Potlach is to the First Nations and they even have a special celebration time for weddings. This is like us.

I think to know that their culture still lives on in a way in our culture is a good thing. We took away that tradition when we put them in residental schools but now we can still preserve their culture and let them practice it. I think that Potlaches are a great way to create peace and unity among first nations peoples. I think that anything that brings people together and provides opportunities to give and serve and preserve is a great thing. Their culture had a great idea on what was good to bring people together in unity and in love.


This is an Orr ca Whale. This is the Artwork style of the West Coast Native Peoples.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm going to marry big deal...:)

Convinced that control by indigenous peoples over developments affecting them and their lands, territories and resources will enable them to maintain and strengthen their institutions, cultures and traditions, and to promote their development in accordance with their aspirations and needs, This applies to the Lubicon people because this promise in this declaration went to pot as the government did just the opposite. They took control over their land and surrounding land, this was a negative thing for the Lubicon people because a lot of their animals in that area were fleeing and dying because of development. In the declaration it says that by developing it will strengthen and enable their cultures, traditions and help with their aspirations and needs. This is a lie. Since the animals were becoming rare in their area, they were no longer able to hunt and support their lifestyle.

Indigenous peoples and individuals are free and equal to all other peoples and individuals and have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination, in the exercise of their rights, in particular that based on their indigenous origin or identity.The Indigenous Australians were taken from their homes and assimilated by force into the new western ways of Australia. They were not free like the other Australians and were therefore discriminated against. This made them unequal to other people. It is so sad that people think they are above another person for sociable and class reasons or of different race. This declaration will help them respond to the problem with their identity(as not being equal to others and forced to assimilate) because they will know that they have those rights to being free and not discriminated against.

1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the conservation and protection of the environment and the productive capacity of their lands or territories and resources. States shall establish and implement assistance programmes for indigenous peoples for such conservation and protection, without discrimination.
2. States shall take effective measures to ensure that no storage or disposal of hazardous materials shall take place in the lands or territories of indigenous peoples without their free, prior and informed consent. 3. States shall also take effective measures to ensure, as needed, that programmes for monitoring, maintaining and restoring the health of indigenous peoples, as developed and implemented by the peoples affected by such materials, are duly implemented. The Lubicon People did not give their consent to the government to drill their lands and to log on it. The Lubicons should of had the right to the conservation and protection of their environment. They did not however because the government went forward and did what they wanted without permission and consensus form the Lubicon people.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Lubicon nation and the government of Canada's relationship is very strained. The fight to have rights to the Lubicon oil filled land has been an on going event as far back as 1939 to this present day. The government has gone onto their land and have logged and dug for oil. This process has had many negative effects on the Lubicon First Nations people over the years. They governement "leased" the land and dug 400 oil wells within 34 km withing Lubicon community.
This cause what the Lubicons feared would happen. Their way of life was now starting to fail them. A way of life that had lasted generations and generations of their people, that was supposed to last.The amount of oil wells being dug in their area resulted in a large disruption of moose habitat. These First Nations people thrived off of trapping as a huge part of their income and lifestyle.

Now that the moose were evacuating because of the Canadian government the Lubicon people suffered in pay cuts due to the government intevening on their own land. I think that this is very rude of the government to have such poor communication with people in your own country. Because of what they did to the Lubicon people, the Lubicon's had to get government help to support them. It was not that they could not support themselves in the first place, but they were no longer able to due to the invasion of their land and the surrounding land.

The Lubicon Nation has gone to the United Nations Human Rights Committee for help. This Human Rights Committee has come to the Canadian government on more than one occasion to help the Lubicon Nation out. They have most recently tried to negotiate in 2006. So far nothing has come of their efforts other than raising more awareness to the people and causing the government to see their faults helping them to move forward to finally solving the conflict and communicating better.
I think that this has been going on long enough. Since 1939 till now. As a people, and as a government and a nation do we not know how to communicate with one another after almst 70 years. To hurt a nation because of our lack to communicate is a crime. The Lubicon's in my opinion should be apologized to and get the help they need to have their lifestyle back to the way it was before we went in their and muddled with it. They obviously need a mediatior to help communicate between them and the Canadian Government.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I think that Secularism in France is not a good thing for many reasons. Their is freedom of Religion and Freedom of speech and so many others. So i do not think that it is right for them to take away freedom of culture. People should be able to practice their religions and Cultures openly and freely.

To go to school and wear items and symbols of your culture shouldn't be against the rules. Unless the things that are representing their culture are dangerous they should be allowed. France is also a different type culture and just because they don't dress different they have other things about them that show who they are.

How would they feel if their government didn't let them speak their own language because they wanted them to fit in with all the other society. They are concerned because they think that students will be protected from discrimination based on religious affiliation. This shouldn't have to be. If students are going to bully kids because of their religion. The kids that are going to bully other children because of their religion are the ones that should be expelled.

Not the other way around, kids that wear religious and cultural attire should not be expelled or suspended. This is so wrong, they should be free to practice and live and dress how they may. This new law is interfering with a students free education. I think that by expelling them on these terms they are robbing a childs rights and opportunities in this life. This needs to stop because the cultural diversity that is in France will soon not be there due to this law.

They aren't allowed or able to express themselves religiously. They have to conform to the "normal" that is allowed in schools. Things that have been taught to them their whole lives are now brushed aside because of a new law. To have to change what you believe not only at school but at all public places is awful.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The highlight of the Olympic Games for me was when Canada won Gold in Men's Hockey. Hockey is such a huge part of Canada as a country. Even though not everyone plays it, it is still a large part of our countries identity. To have done so bad in the last olympics which was almost a disgrace and then to turn it around this year was just the opposite it was the ultimate national pride. Even though hockey is not a big part of my family it still was the highlight of the Olympics for me. As a country you can just feel that pride. It's inspiring to a country when your game is won and everyone pulls together in that national pride. When your watching the game it was so intense and you get goosebumps. When Sidney Crosby scored in overtime you just get this rush and feel shivers and national pride. How could that not be the highlight of the Olympics?! GO CANADA GO!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I scream, you scream we all scream for Canadian Zebra ice cream...The new ice cream comes in maple flavor. Instead of the regular tiger ice cream we offer ZEBRA ice cream! In our countries colors, White and Red! Go to your local grocery market and buy it today!! L-sizzle also offers Maple Leaf ice cream cones. Everyone wants to eat there delicious zebra ice cream in a maple flavored cone. These cones are colorful and taste like true maple. Let's be proud of Canada and show off our wonderful, tasteful, new, and improved Canadian Zebra ice cream this week for Canada Day! Eat your icecream for the parade, dinner, and other social activites. Freeze your mouth today with the delicious new icecream!! BAM!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Walmart does not believe in having unions a part of their business. Walmart however is not anti-union, it just does not believe that a union is right for their company. This is understandable to some, and there is much controversy over this subject. Many people believe that Walmart should have unions to protect their workers. Walmart has many strong points to how its business is run. They offer many jobs for a diverse group of workers some even with handicaps. Walmart feels that in order to be as successful as possible unions should not be a part of their corporation.
Commercially i think that Walmart is affected because it can look bad that they do not want a union. Which is protecting their workers. My personal beliefs on this is that unions are great but because Walmart doesn't have them as part of their corporation they are able to speak to the managers and higher up people on not the same level but in a respectable way. I think that Walmart is very good at paying well due to position and giving people jobs that might not have gotten them somewhere else.
I feel that they are a huge part of communities but they are not the whole part so this enables it to benefit the community but not monopolize it. The people can gain jobs from Walmart with flexible hours that will work for people who maybe have troubled getting employed. It also gives jobs to a lot of teenagers and young adults that maybe aren't as concerned with so many worker rights. Walmart also gives benefits to certain people and depending on how much you work and how long you have been working for their company.

I think that commercially Walmart also looks very good to many people, because of the reasons listed above. It really does give their workers the things they need depending on what they put into the company. Hard work is rewarded at walmart which i think is good. People these days just expect all these things to come to them for free and that they should get a job with all of these bonuses, but really they have worker rights, they are being treated well and according to the standards. If they work hard and are devoted to the company they will receive higher pay and more benefits. This is the law of the harvest, which i think is good for a large company.

In conclusion I would just like to say that Walmart is a growing corporation that is a part of almost all of our communities. I feel that if you don't agree with the way the run their company don't shop their and most definitely do not work there. Walmart helps many people with their low prices and jobs and it is up to you if you agree with they way they run things and if you are going to participate in a worldwide phenomenon that has taken off. Everyone can have their own opinion of this but i feel that Walmart is doing good things for communities.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Yemen is found in the Middle East, It's official language is Arabic. The Terrorist Attacks from 9/11 were involved with their country. This surprised me a lot because, everyone knows the main things about what happened on Sept. 11th, but i never have heard about Yemen before. The pictures on Yemen were very different from our culture here in Canada. The women dressed very different from what we wear. The buildings were built very different from our buildings and were found on hills. Overall their culture is very different from ours. They were partially similar because their were families and animals. Their culture seems more strict than ours as well.

How can life change so drastically from one moment to another? That is what I asked myself as I watched and read about the the horrible earthquake that recently occurred in Haiti. These people barely had anything before the disaster and are now left in an even more grave situation that they cannot change. They are desperate for aid, and are relying on the rest of the world to make a little change in their lives so that they can move forward as a country. What a huge impact this has had on many people across the world. It really goes to show that even though we may be in different countries we need to pull together in times of need. In order to change what has occurred everyone needs to stand together, and by doing so we can save lives and families. I don't think that the earthquake was a good thing, but i think that their are many lessons being learned from this experience. As Valentines Day nears the world has opened their hearts more than ever. To love someone you know and serve them is one thing, but to open your heart to a stranger, and give what you have to them, is probably one of the most sincere acts one can give. It is pure love and that is the best gift we can give these people. The disaster hurt many people but it also has given others the opportunity to reflect on their own lives and what they feel is important. Sometimes the best lessons are learned through adversity and helping others get through it. I have seen my small donations add up along with others, and I know that these acts of selflessness will make a difference for the people of Haiti. To the people in Haiti i would say, keep holding on and know that their are many people who are trying to help bear this burden with you. Know that their is hope you can and will get through this, because people all over the world and standing together to make this possible.
My New Haircut :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I am done my Olympic Sport Questions on Figure Skating*

Figure Sk8ting at the 2010 Olympics!

Figure Skating was an Olympic Sport before the Winter Games had even occurred. Figure Skating is broken down into three different categories: First the Single Skaters, Pairs and Ice Dance. Singles skate is also broken down into three parts. The short program, the long program and the free skate. The free skate is where athletes show their level of skill, difficulty and creativity. This part of the single skate is worth the most. It is 2/3 of the final score. The Pairs Skate is with two people, it involves a short program and a free skate. The score is determined by the synchronization of the the couple. It also involves throws, spins, lifts and spirals. The ice dance is also in pairs but, It is more of a dance, it is compared to ballroom dance. The main difference between the Pairs dancing and Ice Dancing is that in the second it does not involve lifts or overhead tosses. It is mainly made up of rhythm and their unison in step.

Some of the key terms that are associated with this sport are: Lifts, they are when the male lifts his partner right over their head with their arms fully extended. Shadow Skating is when the pair do the exact same movement of each other. Triple Jump is where a skater does 3 spins in the air. A step sequence is steps that are in unison to the music and to your partner. A twist lift is where the woman is thrown in the air spins and then is caught by her partner.

Most Athletes train up to three hours a day, but it usually can differ depending on the type of skating the athlete does. The spring time is usually time for skaters to work on technique and other skills by themselves or with their partner if they have one. In April and May Choreographers are usually found to choreograph their routine to music. They practice and practice their routine so that not only do they know it in their minds but their muscles know it as well. Once they have their routine down they present it to a group of high trusted judges. This helps them see how much their performance is worth and what they need to improve on.

Jessica Dube` and Bryce Davidson will be competing in 2010 Olympics this year as a pair. Jessica will also be competing as a single. She was born in Quebec and starting skating when she was four years old. He was born in California USA but moved to Quebec as well. They just won silver at a competition in Ottawa and are hoping to place well in this years Olympics in their home country.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why I am Proud to be a Canadian*

I am proud to be a Canadian for many reasons. Canada is a wonderful country filled with many opportunities for a diverse group of people. Being Canadian is very important to me on a very personal level. If it wasn't for the great education program in Canada i would be living somewhere more warm. My dad always says that the only reason he lives through the harsh Canadian winters is so that his kids can have a good education. I have many relatives who live in different countries and their lifestyle makes me appreciate my own in Canada even more. I also love Canada because of it's beautiful environment. I really enjoy the diversity of the environment, the prairies and the mountains and the hills. I also am very proud to be a Canadian because of how much space we have. It is not a crowded and has a variety of cities and towns varying in sizes.

Education is free in Canada all the way up until grade 12. To have a country that cares so much about education is good. The rights for every child are equal so that we can all have the same opportunities, I think that that is very important. Two children that come from two very different families have the opportunity to receive the same education giving them both an opportunity to be successful based on how hard they are willing to work. I am very happy with the education i am receiving right now in my life. I feel that i am getting what i need in life in order to become what i want to be. In many other countries education is not as good and it often cost a lot of money and many families can not afford to put their children in school. This is really sad because poor families will stay poor because their children cannot obtain a much better life because their education was limited to them. Canada is doing the right thing in my opinion, this is the only way that every person can have an equal chance to do well. I think that a country should care about all their people and Canada definitely shows this through our education system.

The environment is such a huge asset to Canada. We have the beautiful mountains that are used for skiing, hiking and just for looking at. Canada has oceans and lakes and rivers all across it. The prairies cover Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. These are used for farming and they too are very beautiful. We are most definitely a very blessed country. We have all the resources we could need. I am thankful and proud to live in a place that provides all of this beauty that i can enjoy with my friends and family. Many people from all over the world come to Canada just to enjoy the beauty that we take for granted most of the time.

I remember when my Young Woman's leader got back from a trip to England to visit her husbands family. She said she loved it, and it was awesome to see the historical buildings and rich history that England has but, she emphasized how crowded it was their and how dirty it was. In Canada we are lucky to have such an open area. We have a huge country with a small ratio of landmass to the amount of people. Our country is also very clean compared to others. In describing our Country i would describe it as fresh. I am so happy to live in a clean environment that is so open and full of great resources.

I think in being a Canadian we can definitely take some of these things for granted. We are so blessed to live in this country. We may not agree with everything but for the most part our education along with many other things help give everyone an equal chance at bettering themselves and their situations. The environment is so bountiful and beautiful here in Canada. The resources that we also have are plentiful. We have all this beauty that we can enjoy in open areas. Canada to me is a great country full of opportunities for everyone. This makes me proud to be a Canadian.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I am Ladan! I am in grade 10 Social Studies :)