Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What is Potlach? Potlach is a culture of indigenous peoples of the Pacific Coast. They have lived there thousands of years before Europeans arrived. The West Coast Natives practiced Potlach. Some of these tribes are Tlingit, HiS, Gwaii, Tsimshian,Kwakwaka'wakw, Nuxalk,Nuu-chah-nulth and teh nations that make up the Coast Salish. Potlach Ceremonies are held for different reasons depending on the group of first nations people.Even though the ceremonies vary among the different tribes, there are many traditions that were common in all of them. The Hereditary Chiefs would invite people to the ceremony.

At Potlaches some of the things that were included were speeches, singing, dancing, feasting, and witnessing of formal business. The Potlach ceremonies were held outdoors or in big houses. This was because they were attended by many people. They would share the things in their household with their guests. They would share their food and clothing, their dishes etc. By sharing their possessions this showed that the hosts wealth and generosity. To gain back their wealth they would attend other Potlaches that were hosted by other hereditary chiefs.

They would have Potlaches at special occasions. It was like a big birthday party. Well not really but at births and weddings Potlaches would be held. Different tribes would invite different tribes tot he Potlaches. This provided unity and love among the people. Since the first Nations did not generally write down their history, stories were told during the Potlaches. By doing this strong political alliances were formed in these nations.

There are some similarities between the Potlach and our Society. When we have weddings people gather around and we share our food with them. We tell stories and share our history. We also gain good relationships between two different families. All the people that come usually bring gifts and money to show their love and to help start off a good future. This is pretty much what a Potlach is to the First Nations and they even have a special celebration time for weddings. This is like us.

I think to know that their culture still lives on in a way in our culture is a good thing. We took away that tradition when we put them in residental schools but now we can still preserve their culture and let them practice it. I think that Potlaches are a great way to create peace and unity among first nations peoples. I think that anything that brings people together and provides opportunities to give and serve and preserve is a great thing. Their culture had a great idea on what was good to bring people together in unity and in love.

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