The British influence on Canada and India were largely different because of one major thing. Or should I say person. Mahatma Gandhi was the reason that India is not colonized today. They were able to keep their language and cultures because one man took a stand and said it wasn't right to change his people.
In the words of Gandhi I quote,” We hold the civilization that you (British colonists) support to be the reverse of civilization. We consider our civilization to be far superior to yours. If you realize this truth, it will be to you advantage and if you do not, according to your own proverb (when in Rome do as the Romans do'), you should only live in our country in the same manner as we do.... We consider your schools and courts to be useless. We want our own ancient schools and courts to be restored. The common language of India is not English but Hindi. You should, therefore, learn it. We can hold communication with our only in our national language.
The European imperialists came in their with force and wanted power over the Indian people of India. They did exercise control over a lot of the land and people of India. The Europeans also did this to the Natives of Canada. The difference was in India they did not put up with it for long. One man took a stand to justice and this saved his people and their long-lived culture that still lives on today.
The native indigenous tribes of Canada were against the assimilation and control over them and their land, but they could not uniformly organize an opposition towards the Europeans. Their culture was just as unique as the Indian culture in India and precious. However it has not been preserved as well as theirs have. The Native culture around me today is still there but not as vivid. Most do not live in tepees all year round and dress in their native clothing unless it is for special occasions and other times.
When you compare the effects and influence over these two countries with cultures different than European you can see similarities in how things went down, but today the nations and people are living very different due to their stand for justice before.
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