Monday, May 10, 2010

The World Bank.

The purpose and function of the World Bank and the International monetary fund is to provide financial assistance to less developed countries to reduce poverty and improve living standards. Financial assistance is provided, such as loans, low interest or grants. The money is usually used for things that are needed in these countries. Such as, health systems, education and sometimes infrastructure.

The World Bank is actually divided into two institutions. The first one is the International Rank for Reconstruction and Development also know as IBRD. The second one is The International Development Association also know as the IDA. The purposes for these associations are different. The IDA is there to help the world’s poorest countries. The IBRD is there to help low and middle income countries.

I think that they have accomplished a lot as a government. I would not call them just a more expensive government. They are doing some amazing things for these people that so desperately need help. They have in the past 20 years: Made the proportion of people living in poverty in less developed countries fall by half, form 40% to 21%.
Also the life expectancy in less developed countries has increased by 20 years. The number of children dying before the age of five has been reduced by 50%. Adult illiteracy has been halved to 25%.

The World Bank also has many great ways to help less developed countries get out of debt. I like they way that this bank solves problems. They do not just give the solution to the people and fix everything. They find ways to help the people earn their way into and out of things. For example they do not just take all their debt away. They are there to help these people learn new techniques that will make them more efficient as a country. This includes cutting government spending, selling public assets to the private sector, and following the principles of free market capitalism. Then debt relief is put into place if they have proven to do the above things.

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