Wednesday, June 9, 2010

John Maynard Keynes*

1. John Maynard Keynes was a British economist and he was big on doing the opposite of what most economists believed should happen. His father was an economist and he also went to very elite schools in Britain. He gained connections from where he attended school and after he had later joined the forces for a few years he had a great start into the field of economics. His ideas were different than most others and he viewed how things should be run very differently. 2. John Maynard Keynes believed this about government.When the unemployment rate begins to rise, Keynes believed the government should begin to run a surplus and pay off the debt of the previous downturn. He also like i said earlier believed in a different type of economics. 3. I disagree with him because even though the people in later generations will not have to pay for the debt in a way they will still be paying for those mistakes. There parents will grow up in poverty and less of what they could have and when they are raised they will miss the opportunities to grow in a healthy environment. Behavior that is learned from one generation is passed down to the next through the way they were raised and the way they raise their children. So really he may think he is getting rid of debt and problems but this just will make the people poor causing a chain link effect throughout generations that is harming. In our economy today we are going through some of the same things. Our economy just took a big fall worldwide. Many countries, even super powers are finding themselves in a lot of debt. We could do what Keynes would do and get rid of the debt or we can deal with it now.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. I agree with this sentence. Soccer is the sport i enjoy the most. It is so fun to play i just started playing 3 years ago and i love it so much because it is fun and non stressful. It also is challenging and a complex sport that requires a lot of skill and even once you have learned the basics and fundamentals you are still getting better and better each day that you are practicing. I am so excited for the world cup it is going to be awesome! i am cheering for England! GO ENGLAND GO! haha but really soccer is a wonderful sport that is loved worldwide<3

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Standard of living*

Standard of living is only one aspect of quality of life. It is a common measure of the quantity and quality of goods and services. Standard of living consists of a few things. The resources that are available to you and what is provided for you. It also depends on how hard you work and the kinds of jobs that are available to you.

Standard of living and Quality of life are often mistaken for the same thing. And this is proven in many peoples terminology. Before even writing this I even said to myself, "What is the difference? Quality of life includes more than just property material and other resources. It is peoples desire to improve the way they live. Some of the things included in this are a clean environment, personal safety, political rights, and the ablity to have your rights met.

For example every person has a right to certain things, this would be their quality of life. Their standard of living would be the quality of the goods they receive or gain. Globalization in some people’s opinion has improved the standards of living and quality of life. Others argue that it is having ill affects on their quality of life and standard of living.

A huge example of the different affects of globalization due to this is Asia and Africa. Asia and Africa. At one point a while ago they were the same in poverty percentage. Asia now has passed Africa and gotten out of poverty because they embraced globalization and by doing so improved their standard of living as a country.

Africa is still now suffering because economically they have stayed still these past years and not embraced what could have improved their standard of living and quality of life dramatically. It is a big change between two countries that were in the beginning in the same boat.