Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Knowledge Economy
Also educational research institutions are a large part of this competition. Canada is having trouble finding their identity in all of this. We need to find occupations where we can compete and win.
We need to step up to that next level of global competition or we will be left behind and forced to buy from the people who have made global competition a part of there economy. We want to make this an opportunity for the people in Canada instead of a threat.
It's like the world has jumped onto a merry-go-round and we have to choose to jump on while it's still moving, cause it's not going to stop or we can just stand and watch and not benefit from what is available to us.
It really is a hard predicament because in order to become a larger part of the knowledge economy, Canada is going to have bad affects for short term at first but in the end it will be worth it in the long term. It is a tough decision. Let 2.4 million people lose their jobs right now so that in the long run we will have more influence on a global level.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Zapatista people live in Chiapas and are very poor. Every year dozens of people pay money to travel to give aid to these people by helping with their crops. To describe the Zapatista people some might say that they have been left behind in globalization. Most of the people that are travelling down there are part of anti-globalization groups. Chiapas is a state in the southeastern region of Mexico. There are 4 million people who live there.
Many of the people are descendents of the Mayan people who were indigenous to South America. A sad statistic of the people there is that 40 percent of the population suffers from malnutrition. The reason they are so poor is because of the Spanish conquest 500 years previous. They were forced to grow their subsistence crops. The food that was taken from these crops was not a sufficient amount to almost just feed their families.
For centuries these people have been living in poverty, it has been ignored by a lot of people in the world, including the government. I was unaware of the situation with the Zapatistas until reading and researching about their situation. I think that people may be ignoring their need for help but a lot of people I think are uninformed, like I was an hour ago.
The people or the government there cannot ignore that saddening statistics of the poverty down anymore. Things that are helping the situation are the free trade agreement between them and the United States.
The European Union*
Some of the advantages of the European Union are increased trade, the amount of subsidies to the east. Their are also no restrictions onthe movement of people, capital goods and services across national borders. Since the European Union is a common market. A common market is the strongest form of regional integration. Regional integration is a process in which states enter into a regional agreement in order to enhance regional cooperation through regional institutions and rules.
Some disadvantages of the European Union are: Changes in the economy will form new economic patterns and many industries will not be able to compete with lower costs.With free movement of labour and capital, the most skilled workers may get higher benifets and wage weakening the other people in the economy. There can also be a loss of independence in many areas.
An example of the disadvantage that is happening right now is the excess debt in Greece. Greece is part of the European Union and since they are in debt they do not just suffer their country but the whole union.
I do not think that Canada and the United states and Mexico should form a union. Especially at this time. The American economy is still recoverying and is still in a lot of debt. Mexico may have many resorts but it also has many poor communities. We are better off independent for the most part.
Monday, May 10, 2010
The World Bank.
The World Bank is actually divided into two institutions. The first one is the International Rank for Reconstruction and Development also know as IBRD. The second one is The International Development Association also know as the IDA. The purposes for these associations are different. The IDA is there to help the world’s poorest countries. The IBRD is there to help low and middle income countries.
I think that they have accomplished a lot as a government. I would not call them just a more expensive government. They are doing some amazing things for these people that so desperately need help. They have in the past 20 years: Made the proportion of people living in poverty in less developed countries fall by half, form 40% to 21%.
Also the life expectancy in less developed countries has increased by 20 years. The number of children dying before the age of five has been reduced by 50%. Adult illiteracy has been halved to 25%.
The World Bank also has many great ways to help less developed countries get out of debt. I like they way that this bank solves problems. They do not just give the solution to the people and fix everything. They find ways to help the people earn their way into and out of things. For example they do not just take all their debt away. They are there to help these people learn new techniques that will make them more efficient as a country. This includes cutting government spending, selling public assets to the private sector, and following the principles of free market capitalism. Then debt relief is put into place if they have proven to do the above things.